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Assorted Red Leg Hermit Crabs (ALGAE KILLERS)

Assorted Red Leg Hermit Crabs (ALGAE KILLERS)

The Red Leg Hermit Crab is in my opinion, the most effective of all invertebrates at eating nuance algae. You’ll notice these crabs near the base of Corals, and many mistake this for the hermit damaging the coral. However, these hermits will keep the base of your Corals clean and avoid nuance algae buildup, which could irritate your coral in the long run as that algae multiplies. I highly recommend these crabs as a main member of any cleanup crew.


Approx. Purchase Size: 1"- 2"

Tank Size: A tank size of 5 gallons is recommended.

Water Parameters: Maintain a temperature of 72-78°F (22-26°C), a pH level between 8.1-8.4, and a specific gravity of 1.024-1.026.

Feeding: Nuance Algae and Uneaten fish food.

Compatibility: These hermits are very peaceful and are completely reef safe! Avoid large aggressive predatory fish such as large wrasse.


***BULK PRICES available by request!!!***



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